The 5 Most Dangerous Fruits You Can Buy in the Store

We are all used to hearing about the benefits of fruits, and we try to replace various harmful goodies with these products, knowing for sure that there can be nothing but benefits there.

Yes, this is all the case if you are sure that these products are grown by a responsible manufacturer who cares about the quality of their raw materials, or you or your relatives are such. But, unfortunately, we make all purchases in shops or stalls within walking distance. Today, few people think that there can hardly be ripe fruit in the spring. We trust the seller, whom we see for the first time in our lives, who vehemently asserts the authenticity of vitamin products, confidently telling about their origin.

In this article, we will find out which fruits that you can buy in the supermarket are the most dangerous for your health. Scientists have long proved that laughter and fun prolong life, so if not all fruits are capable of it, then TonyBet Sportsbook will help you have a lot of fun and have a great free time.

Are Fruits and Vegetables Not as Healthy as We Thought?

Today, scientists have long claimed that fruits, berries, and vegetables are also not as useful as we used to think about them.

Let’s just imagine how long a ripe fruit can be stored. Many have tried real apples, plucked in the village, straight from the tree by the caring hands of their grandmother or parents. If you don’t eat them within a week, a maximum of two, they will start to rot. And they look, for example, not perfect, not glossy, and not as appetizing as apples lying in baskets on store shelves and, for some reason, they are not destroyed by worms and caterpillars.

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Many fruits are dangerous and contain toxic substances that can accumulate in the body and lead to irreversible consequences. It’s just that this process is very protracted. And we are simply not able to associate many problems with those products that we have been using for a long time.

But There Is Still a Way Out

The first thing that can be done, but it is quite a labor-intensive business – to grow fruits and berries yourself. Here you will be sure that you have not pumped up the fruits with any chemicals, and they will only benefit your body.

Of course, we all understand perfectly well that on a huge scale of agriculture, when it is necessary to grow a crop for the country or the world to import, it is no longer a question of the quality of the product. In this case, producers use cheap fertilizers, pesticides to preserve the crop, and various chemicals for the fast ripening of fruits.

And subsequently, fruits and berries undergo several stages of processing so that they can be transported and delivered to the end consumer in the proper form so that they look like from the cover of a magazine: juicy, ripe and attractive, and appetizing.

There is also a second option that will help somehow avoid high consumption of toxins – this is fruit processing.

  • To reduce the toxic load on the body when eating fruits and berries, they should at least be thoroughly washed, preferably with a remedy and a sponge.
  • There is also an option – to soak in a weak acetic solution or citric acid.
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Probably many of you have seen a glossy film on the fruit, which is visible if you put the fruit in boiling water or just in water. It is not so easy to remove, it has a sticky layer because this treatment should be on plants for a long time while they ripen, otherwise, any rain would easily wash off all chemicals and then the processing process would be much more expensive.

  • After washing, it is better to scald with boiling water to wash off the remnants of the periodic table even more thoroughly.
  • The bulk of toxic substances are contained in the peel and at the base of the growth of the fetus, which is why it is best to peel off the peel and cut off the back.

There is another option, but it is not so affordable – it is to buy products marked organic. In such fruits and berries, the content of harmful substances is reduced, but it is not completely excluded, and they hit the pocket hard. And unscrupulous suppliers can simply forge these labels so that gullible buyers buy the same product at more expensive prices.

I would like to clarify once again if you do not want to risk your health, it is better not to buy fruits too early, the ripening of which should be in late summer or early autumn, always try to diversify your diet with seasonal products.

Top 5 Most Harmful Fruits and Berries


We put apples in the first place. This beloved fruit, being the most popular, carries a huge amount of toxic substances.

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It is always very difficult to pass a strawberry showcase and not be tempted to buy it. But of course – it is pre-processed, and most likely not something useful.

Peaches and Apricots

Apricot kernels contain amygdalin, which forms cyanide when biting and interacting with saliva. Of course, we can cope a certain amount with this substance, but in large doses, it is very dangerous. It increases the pressure and leads to dizziness and headaches.


Many have heard that grapes are liquid fat. Yes, eating grapes in the afternoon, will not be able to get the desired shape and get rid of extra pounds.

Grapes are contraindicated for people with diabetes, digestive tract disorders, obesity, hypertension, caries, liver problems, etc.


Not only is it dusted with chemicals for fast ripening and bright saturated color, but you can buy a sweet watermelon at the end of spring. Why, watermelons are now sold all year round and this fact does not bother anyone anymore. We hear a very large number of reports in the media and on the Internet about poisoning with this particular berry.

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