Nikki Haley accuses Pompeo of ‘lies and rumors to sell book’ after vice president collusion claim | Books

Nikki Haley, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said statement That he conspired to make Mike Pence Donald Trump’s vice president is “a book of lies and rumours.”

Former Ambassador to the United Nations He spoke to Fox News Thursday evening, after the Guardian obtained a copy of Pompeo’s forthcoming memoir, Never Give An Inch, and reported His opinion of Haley.

Haley resigned The Trump administration In October 2018. Before that, Pompeo says he set up a private meeting without checking on Trump in the Oval Office.

Pompeo writes that he thought Haley was indeed on board because then-Trump chief of staff John Kelly, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner had presented “a preference for Haley as vice president.”

Pompeo has written unfavorably about Haley’s performance as UN ambassador and criticized her resignation.

Speaking to Fox News, Haley said: “I don’t know why he said that, but that’s why I stayed away from DC as much as possible to get away from the drama.”

He also pointed out that Pompeo says in his book that he doesn’t know if the story is true.

Haley and Pompeo are among potential contenders for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, a race in which Trump is the only confirmed candidate.

But it looks like Haley will run.

she told Fox News: “We’re still working on things and we’ll figure it out. I’ve never lost a race. I said it then and I’ll say it now. I’m not going to lose it now.”

Haley turns 51 on Friday. A comment directed at 80-year-old Joe Biden, but also that Donald TrumpThe 76-year-old said: “I don’t think you have to be 80 to be a leader in DC. I think a younger generation needs to come up, step up and start fixing things. Can I be that leader? Yes, I think I can be that leader.

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Former South Carolina Governor Attracted Support from Kushner’s family. He told Fox News that Kushner and his wife were friends of Ivanka’s father, though he expected them to support him.

He said: “May the best girl win.”

Pence, senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and former national security adviser John Bolton are among the other potential candidates for the Republican nomination. But Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are dominating the polls so far.

On Thursday, former foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama, Ben Rhodes, wrote: “Pompeo and Haley are set for a real battle to see who can win the 1% in the Republican primary.”

Pompeo’s description of Haley’s alleged meeting with Trump prompted Trump to consider making Pence vice president in 2019, according to reports.

On Thursday, Maggie Haberman, New York Times reporter and author of the best-selling book Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America, Mentioned Kushner and Ivanka Trump “urged disbelieving colleagues and Pence associates that they had no part in the Haley/VP rumors”.

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